CYC Renta Global
Total return with an active strategy focused on global fixed-income
CYC Renta Global seeks to provide total return with an active strategy focused on hard-dollar fixed-income instruments. The fund’s portfolio is well diversified with investment-grade and high-yield corporate bonds from issuers with strong balance sheets and from several geographic regions and/or industries. It may include preferred stocks, and US Treasury Bills for liquidity and risk management. The fund cannot include securities from Argentine issuers.

Type of fund
Fixed income
Redemption Period
Medium term
Investment Profile
Minimum investment
1000 VN
Fund Information
Composition Structured Note
Program HFMX Series 323
Inception date 07/10/2019
Assets: 46.913.669,00
NAV per 1000 shares 109.61
TER 0.75% per year
Subsc. / redemp. cost No cost
Listing Vienna Stock Exchange
ISIN XS1973722066
Caja de Valores code 80817
- 04.12.23 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 04.01.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 14.02.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 05.03.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 09.04.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 06.05.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 14.06.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 10.07.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 02.08.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 16.09.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 08.10.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 01.11.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 04.12.24 Factsheet CYC Renta Global
- 08.01.25 Factsheet CyC Renta Global
- 06.02.25 Factsheet CyC Renta Global
- 12.01.24 Presentación CYC Renta Global
- 02.08.24 Presentación CYC Renta Global
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