CYC Renta Fija Argentina

Income in dollars by investing in high-quality Argentine corporate bonds

CYC Renta Fija Argentina seeks to provide total return with an active strategy focused on hard-dollar Argentine corporate bonds governed by foreign law. The portfolio is well diversified with issuers from several industries, focusing on companies with excellent reputations, strong balance sheets, and international business operations. Depending on market conditions, the fund may include US Treasury Bills for liquidity and risk management.

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Type of fund

Fixed income



Redemption Period



Medium term

Investment Profile


Minimum investment

1000 VN

Fund Information

Composition Structured Note

Program HFMX Series 430

Inception dates 05/11/2021

Assets: 13.801.950,00

NAV per 1000 shares 129.15

TER 1.2% per year

Subsc. / redemp. cost No cost

Listing Vienna Stock Exchange

ISIN XS2223800819

FIGI Bloomberg BBG00X6KRFP6

Caja de Valores code 81799

Custody Agent
BNY Mellon
Flex funds
Intertrust Group
Roberts Nathan

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